
Cimus was born in Paris in 2007 from the desire of collecting our own artistic projects or our achievements in collaboration under the same signature. Its mission is carrying out any artistic or knowledge dissemination project, from a multidisciplinary standpoint, using as a vector, image in all its dimensions. Cimus also participates as a production structure to projects that we help achieving in a collaboration and support logic. Inspired by the travel, Cimus widens every day from meetings, facing other realities that we try to understand, describe or share.

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Jean-David Delépine

Engineer in numeric image sciences, Jean-David Delépine has been responsible for an international music festival, then consultant in the events sector. He loves giving birth to new projects and achieve them, and that is the guideline of hie professional evolution that lead him to train himself in photography, video, typography and edition. He is also a musician and his liking for support to creation applies in all the artistic domains. His own achievements, in the visual, graphic or video area, are generally the result of meetings, very often enriched by multiple long voyages. From his educational background, he has kept the scientific and Cartesian dimension and the art of detail and technical research, which are appreciable in some of his projects such as “Transports”, for which he has developed a specific numeric treatment system.

Hélène Boistard

University profesor and research worker in mathematical statistics, Hélène Boistard is also a flutist specialized in the baroque repertoire. She is a founding member of Cimus with Jean-David Delépine and has contributed to most of the achievements. With her more intuitive approach of the image, she provides an external look to each of the projects. In most cases, she is in charge of writing the texts and the scenarios.
Cimus, first person plural of the Latin verb ciere:
put into movement, further, provide an impetus, invoke, name, cite

Postremo quoniam incultis praestare videmus

culta loca et manibus melioris reddere fetus,

esse videlicet in terris primordia rerum

quae nos fecundas vertentes vomere glebas

terraique solum subigentes cimus ad ortus;

quod si nulla forent, nostro sine quaeque labore

sponte sua multo fieri meliora videres.

[...] Lastly we see

How far the tilled surpass the fields untilled

And to the labour of our hands return

Their more abounding crops; there are indeed

Within the earth primordial germs of things,

Which, as the ploughshare turns the fruitful clods

And kneads the mould, we quicken into birth.

Else would ye mark, without all toil of ours,

Spontaneous generations, fairer forms.

Lucretius, On the nature of things, Book I, 211-215
Translated by William Ellery Leonard

The object of the association

The object of the association is creating, disseminating and promoting artistic work of any nature, such as audiovisual, cimematographic, musical or graphical work but also research and development of new technologies that contribute to that. For this purpose, the association will work on existing or not existing forms, such as edition of books, implementation of multi-sensory or interactive installations, diffusion on internet or any other material or immaterial substrate, research, creation of experimental works, organization of or participation to events such as festivals, exhibitions, training or awareness initiatives. More generally, the association will be able to give birth or collaborate to any project devoted to the development or the diffusion of knowledge, having a humanist scope without any frontier or limit of any kind.
Association registered with the préfecture de Paris, n° W751205531.

Hosting: Yulpa.

This website uses open-source technologies, in particular the YAML parser Spyc (Vlad Andersen and Chris Wanstrath), Masonry and ImagesLoaded (David DeSandro), Cycle 2 (Malsup) of whom we thank the authors.

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